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  1. Kim
    June 8, 2019 @ 4:11 pm

    Oh my!! This post brought us great joy and laughter as we were reading it together this morning. We were hooting at some of the pictures!! Such a creative mind these little children have, that’s for sure!! Thank you for grouping all the artwork together. Thank you for having such artistic children. Thank you for bringing humor to our lives through artwork. We LOVED each and every masterpiece!!!


  2. Sarah
    June 23, 2019 @ 4:04 pm

    So many gems here. These are all so creative. The sewing machine mummy was one of my favorites. I love getting a peek into Brooke’s brain and how she can find characters in everyday things. So clever. Also the wet floor floating on the pool was hilarious. And the Lemmings. It’s all just too much cuteness.


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