
Last week was Brooke’s third birthday.

We’re still working on appropriate smiling for the camera.

I blew up several balloons for the occasion and Brooke had a great time piling them all up on the couch and jumping in them.

My parents came down and took us all to Pirate Island to celebrate.  We almost didn’t make it through the doors; a talking skeleton greeted us and Brooke was scared to move any farther.  It took several minutes for her to summon the courage to enter.

Brooke’s favorite ride was the mini-carousel.

Caroline loved the ride, too.

The other day Brooke gave me a hug and whispered, “Mom, I’m so glad you’re here.  I love you.”  That was one of my favorite moments as a mother to date.

I love you, too, my little Brooke.  Happy birthday!