Help! Eye’m Begging You!
We are having a little problem over here. No, not the fruit fly problem. I’m crossing my fingers that that issue is nearly behind us though our latest problem rhymes with fruit fly: Dallas’s eye.
Dallas is having an issue with his eye(s). Randomly throughout the day his eye will swell, turn blood red, and get really itchy, especially his caruncle. (Don’t know what a caruncle is? It’s that little red ball on the inside of your eye.)
Then, to make matters worse, occasionally his sclera will also get puffy and watery. (Don’t know what a sclera is? It’s the white part of your eye. Look at us! We’re learning so much!)
He’s also started swelling all around his nose and cheek and under his eye.
I can’t remember when this first started. Maybe about two months ago. Dallas’s eyes seemed to flare up in the morning and in the afternoon. I had switched fabric softeners, so I stopped using the new softener thinking he was having an allergic reaction to it.
We thought things were getting better, but now he’s still having flare-ups and I think they may be getting worse. He’s tried taking Claritin thinking perhaps he was experiencing allergies. He’s tried taking Benedryl also in case it was an allergic reaction. It doesn’t seem like either medication did anything.
He went to a general doctor yesterday, but of course, his eye wasn’t cooperating for the doctor…or should I say it was cooperating? In any case, his eye was fine at the time so the doctor couldn’t see what was going on. She prescribed an antibiotic in case he has an infection.
Of course, when he came home from the doctor, his eye went back to its old antics and we decided to make a video to memorialize the grossness. Grab some popcorn! Pull up a chair! Click on the link and see a bit of what I’m talking about. Then please come back here and comment if you have any idea what could be going on.