September 2018
The Best Summer Ever!
We didn’t have any big trips planned for this summer. I didn’t want the summer to pass us by leaving us at the end of summer wondering what we had done, so we made a point to go out and have as much fun as we could. We kept a list of everything we did and added to it every chance we got. We ended up having a great summer!
We hiked to the Parrish Creek Pictographs:
We visited with friends:
Brooke turned 11! She decorated her cake all by herself:
We tried out the new Creekside Park and loved it:
We helped out a friend by walking her dog a couple of times. The kids loved feeling like dog owners for a time:
Dallas had some pictures that he took on display at the Davis County administrative buildings. Check out that picture of the Capitol Building. Isn’t it beautiful?!
We walked the Lagoon Trail and found gigantic weeds:
Dallas caught wind of free fishing day and took us all out to Bountiful Pond to throw a line in the water:
I caught wind of the wind:
We weren’t really trying to catch anything. We didn’t even have bait. We did have bread though and Brooke attracted a flock of seagulls:
Turns out throwing your line out to sea with a flock of birds nearby is not a wise idea because you may actually catch a bird instead of a fish. And then you will need to free said bird which may result in the bird attacking you and pecking your hands leading your wife to believe you will die from some bird-borne disease, in which case you will call your family doctor and find yourself asking if seagull bites are lethal. (Answer: no) But they are painful:
Creekside Park was so much fun the first time we went, we had to go again:
Spencer took a summer basketball class:
Brooke took a summer tennis class:
And Caroline and Madison played at the park and climbed trees:
We went to the Rocky Mountain Raceways and saw the motorcycles:
Nothing like a late night and two-wheeled vehicles to get Spencer to let loose:
…and Madison:
We hiked to Donut Falls:
We babysat my little nephew Jonah:
We played at Liberty Park:
We went to the air show:
Summer fun part two will be coming soon!