As I was writing this post I couldn’t help but also think of things my Dad would say to us kids throughout the years. I was immediately able to remember things he said leading me to believe that he actually only speaks in exclamation marks and catch phrases. Dad, this one’s for you!
“Your word is your bond!”
“The best thing a father can do for his children is love their mother.”
“Let’s go sports fans!”
“She is risen, she is risen!” (Sung to me every Saturday morning when I finally rolled out of bed at around lunchtime.)
“Rise and shout the cougars are out!” (Sung to me on the mornings when he was waking me up.)
“Top o’ the mornin’ to you!” (This often followed one of the previous two phrases. Does my Dad sound insufferable to you in the mornings? He is if you’re like me and just want to be left alone for the first two hours after waking. Is that too much to ask? Now you know who my teenage “Perky Morning People Should Be Shot” nightshirt was directed at…)
“I heard Him come…” (Sung every morning. I’m realizing how much he sang. Especially in the mornings.)
“Is that the best you could do?”
“Stick to the task ’til it sticks to you! Beginners are many but enders are few!”
“The deal is…”
“It’s a quick read.”
“You’re noticing that now because it’s hit your reticular activator.”
“I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say ye have no promise.”
“That which you persist in doing becomes easier to do – not because the nature of the task has changed but because your ability to do has increased.”
While one or more of these phrases was met with severe eye rolls when I’d hear them, I find myself irrationally happy when I can work them into conversations with my own children. But make no mistake about it – there’s very little singing going on around these parts first thing in the morning.
Siblings – what did I miss?