Sugar and Spice
We found out that we are expecting another girl!
We are committed to making the world a better place–two pigtails at a time.
We found out that we are expecting another girl!
We are committed to making the world a better place–two pigtails at a time.
I’ve been forced to teach Brooke the finer points of devouring cookie dough. She caught on to licking the beaters quite quickly. I wasn’t able to do the job myself since I’m limiting my raw egg consumption. Why? Because of my current health condition.
You guessed it–I’m pregnant!
We are expecting a new addition to our family around July 10.
We just had our ultrasound and learned the gender of the little one. I’m not allowed to divulge that information publicly quite yet. Dallas and I have a tradition of having dinner with both of our parents and unveiling the gender then. The family dinner isn’t until Sunday, so our parents don’t know. However, I kind of like the idea of telling everyone else before telling our parents, so if you’re really curious, give us a call–we’ll let you know…but you have to promise not to spill the beans if you run into our folks!
Last night Dallas and I had a fun date night. We went to an event at the LDS Film Festival held at the Scera Theater. Dallas, my brother Ben, and three of Ben’s BYU friends spent last weekend filming a three-minute short for the 24-Hour Filmmaking Marathon.
Last Friday at 10:00 am Dallas, Ben, and friends met at the Scera to get the theme for their film, a prop, and a dialogue line they had to include in the film. They had 24 hours to come up with an idea, film it, and edit it together. The theme this year was sacrifice. The prop was a match, and the dialogue line was “Let me be your…”
After a couple of failed attempts, they finally came up with an idea that worked. They started filming at about 3 in the afternoon and wrapped up a little before 8 pm. Dallas was up late into the night editing the masterpiece.
I think the boys did a great job, especially considering the lack of time and dearth of acting lessons between the boys. Dallas will post the video when he gets a chance.
Anyway, last night was the screening of all the 24-hour films. There were 41 shorts presented. We were quite impressed with the quality of the films. We had some good laughs.
I’m proud of my boys!
Maybe you should sit down before reading this post. Anytime I tell anyone this, they condemn me for being a bad mother.
Up until a few days ago, Brooke never owned a doll. It’s true. She has plenty of stuffed animals, but no doll. I knew I needed to do something about this when, a few months ago, Brooke was in my closet and found the doll that we used as her Siamese twin for her first Halloween. (Don’t remember it? Click here.)
She would hold that pitiful doll and insist on taking it out in public with us. I asked my mom to get her a doll for Christmas to rectify the situation.
My mom pulled through and got Brooke a doll. Dallas’s dad also got in on the action and got the doll a stroller, a car seat, a high chair, and a swing. Brooke was in heaven. She loved the doll and the stroller and all the accessories.
It’s so cute to watch her mother the doll.
Brooke meeting her baby for the first time.
Lunch time!
First she gets food.
Then a drink.
And my favorite–a high five.