What do these items have in common?
A washcloth
A wood chip
Mr. Potato Head faces
These are just some of the items that Brooke has recently put up to her ear, pretending they’re a cell phone.
She’s obsessed.
A washcloth
A wood chip
Mr. Potato Head faces
These are just some of the items that Brooke has recently put up to her ear, pretending they’re a cell phone.
She’s obsessed.
I spent yesterday sick with the flu. AGAIN. This is the fourth time since Brooke has been born that I’ve had the flu. Even though I had a massive headache, fever and chills, and was puking up my guts, there were some good parts of the day:
#1 Dallas had the day off and so he took care of Brooke all day. What a dear, sweet husband! (When I went into the kitchen, I saw that Brooke’s lunch consisted of M&Ms and chocolate milk. I didn’t even ask what he fed her for dinner.)
#2Â I didn’t have to feel guilty lying in bed all day watching the Olympics.
#3 My weekly presidency meeting was cancelled. Even though I was feeling sick, I hadn’t thrown up yet so I was still going to go. I was in denial that I could have the flu again. A few minutes before the meeting, someone called to tell me it was cancelled. From my calculations, I would have thrown up twice during the meeting.
#4 I was reminded of a fun situation that happened last time I had the flu. I woke up in the middle of the night with the feeling that something was in my stomach that shouldn’t be. I finally threw up and felt much better. I went into the kitchen to get a drink. As I was coming back to bed I saw a huge centipede. I got a shoe and smashed it. However, I didn’t kill it the first time and so I had to hit it several times. It was making me sick again to bend over and I was getting frustrated so I yelled, “Die! Die!” Dallas came out of our bedroom looking worried and asked what was going on. I explained.
The next morning Dallas told me how the night unfolded from his perspective. He was rudely awakened by my boisterous vomiting. Then he heard me go into the kitchen. The next thing he heard was pounding and me saying, “Die! Die!” He imagined I was nearly passed out on the floor, hitting the ground, willing myself to die because I was so sick.
If I get the flu again anytime in the near future, that may very well be the scenario.
Brooke has been getting hives. I’m not sure what’s causing the hives but I’m thinking it may have something to do with dairy products so I’ve been restricting these from her diet which means Brooke has gone over 5 days without eating string cheese. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is. Brooke loves her string cheese. She has even been known to finish a block of string cheese faster than I can.
Today I decided I wanted some string cheese. Since it would be rude to eat it in front of Brooke, I surreptitiously ate it when she wasn’t looking.
When I wasn’t looking, Brooke crawled over to the trashcan, discovered the string cheese wrapper, pulled it out of the trash, made her way over to me, and placed the wrapper gently on my lap. Then she looked up at me with her huge brownish-greenish eyes, brought her hands together, and tapped her fingertips making the sign for more.
And that is the story of how Brooke successfully ended her dairy fast.
She’s currently in her highchair eating cheese. She’s shoveling it in her mouth as fast as she can, humming in response to the delicious taste that has been so long withheld from her palate.
We’ll see if the hives come to visit.
Longtime readers of this blog may remember the time I recorded Brooke eating baby food that I had made. Remember her priceless reaction? You can watch it again here.
Contrast that with this video. Here Brooke is eating store-bought baby food. Quite the difference! (This video was made several months ago, hence the reason we are wearing sweaters. Due to technical difficulties, we haven’t been able to get it posted until now.)
When Brooke likes her food, she lets us know!