Posts by Rebecca Golden:
Abe and Klarissa’s Wedding (or, if you prefer, Disney World Part VII)
I have been so busy that I haven’t posted in a while. Good thing Dallas is around. He’s been in the blogging mood and has provided the last FOUR posts.
It’s high time I finished up with our Florida trip. (I know. It’s sad to see a good thing end.) The whole reason we went to Florida was to see Abe and Klarissa get married. They were married May 23 in the Orlando Temple. Dallas and I were grateful to Ben and Sarah for watching Brooke so that we could attend the ceremony. Here are some pictures.
I know you can’t really see anyone in this picture. Sorry. I posted it to show you that the Thomas family was there, in all our glory (plus I love how Natalie struck a pose).
Three cute girls (and the kids are darling as well).
All my siblings–Ben, me, Klarissa, Abe, Sarah, Jacob. Yes, it’s true. I am officially the shortest sibling in the bunch (even with excruciatingly tall high heels on). It’s a good thing Jacob and Abe were attracted to short women so that I’m at least taller than SOMEONE.
Our family’s traditional sibling kiss picture.
The photographer was trying to get a candid shot of all of us. He told us to goof around. This was the end result. We all just look awkward. Jeff and Sarah–let this be a lesson to you. Do not have your photographer make us stand together acting like we’re having a good time or your wedding album might be plagued with a picture like this!
Which one is the bride?
Yes, Dallas was there as well.
My and my girl.
Congratulations Abe and Klarissa!
Disney World Part VI
Yes, we have MORE Disney World pictures. You’re not getting tired of them, are you? We’re almost done. This is our day at Hollywood Studios.
Here we were watching the Beauty and the Beast show.
Here are my amazing grandparents. Amazing for many reasons, really, not the least being that my Grandma was able to get Brooke to sleep while we were all riding Tower of Terror. Not an easy thing to do, as many who have tried know. Thanks Grandma!
My aunt, Nani, holding Luke.
Here we’re standing in line for one of my favorite rides of the day. It was a 3D ride and every so often our cart would stop in front of a screen and we’d shoot 3D pellets at objects. I beat Dallas! Brooke even got to ride this one. She was a little happier on the ride than she is in this photo.
It just so happened that it was my Dad’s birthday this day. He was wearing a button that said, “Happy Birthday Glen!” Nearly every Disney cast member who saw him told him happy birthday. We were waiting in this pavilion for the Indiana Jones show to start. Somehow a Disney employee found out that it was my Dad’s birthday. They made an announcement and everyone wished him happy birthday. Here he is graciously thanking the public.
During the Indiana Jones show, they asked for volunteers (18 years or older) to participate. My brother Ben decided the age requirement wouldn’t stop him from his theatrical debut. He was chosen to perform a few stunts. I’m posting several pictures of this because I’m not sure if Ben ever saw them. When they get into costume, he’s the one in blue.
Can you believe he’s never had a day of acting lessons in his life? If you think that’s amazing, you should hear his party laugh.
After a long day, we are all excited to sit down and eat!
Disney World Part V
Be prepared. I have a ton of pictures for you. Here is the day when we went to Islands of Adventure. We had a great time!
Be amazed at this next group of shots. I took these pictures while we were in motion. We were whirling around in circles at breakneck speed and I was STILL able to capture these. Yes, I am available for hire.
Ben, Klarissa’s sister, Abe, and Klarissa. Abe was very scared to go on the Jurassic Park ride.
Here’s a picture of Sarah shamelessly flaunting her ring (far right). I’m working on getting the yucky, slimy amusement park water out of my eyes.
Here we are waiting for a show to start.
Can you see Abe?
Here my Mom and I were on a ride in Seuss Land. Brooke was in between us. We were looking ahead at a stream of water that was about to get us. We were trying to maneuver our way out of the water because, while Brooke does LOVE swimming, she HATES water splashed up on her face when she’s not expecting it.
Oops. We need driving lessons.
Sarah, Abe, and Ben in a Seuss house.
Disney World Part IV
We had to take a break from our log of Disney World adventures to bring you Brooke’s birthday. Now we are back to reliving our week of fun.
We rented houses while we were in Florida. The house that my grandparents stayed in had a fun pool so we went swimming one day. (I’m using the term “we” loosely here. I didn’t actually go swimming, but nearly everyone else did. Hey, someone had to be the photographer!)
Brooke’s first time swimming. She LOVED it!
Looks like Emma LOVED the pool, too.
Natalie and Abe doing a crazy pool trick. Ben off to the side crying.
Oh good. Ben cheered up. I guess he just wanted to play with Natalie, too.
Brooke, Dallas, Luke, Laurie
My sister-in-law, Laurie, and her daughter, Emma.
My brother, Jacob, and his son, Luke. Unfortunately, after swimming we couldn’t convince Jacob to put a shirt on again for the rest of the day.
Natalie and Emma showing off cute smiles.
Did I mention Brooke LOVED swimming?