She Said…
A couple of days ago I was listening to something on the computer. Mitt Romney was mentioned. Brooke walked by and said, “Hey! I’ve heard of Mitt Romney!”
Me: “Where have you heard that name?”
Brooke: “At school. We had to choose M or B. M for Mitt Romney and B for Barack Obama.”
Me: “Which did you choose?”
Brooke: “I couldn’t decide so I chose both. But I decided to do a ‘B’ for ‘Brooke’ and the ‘M’ for ‘Mom.'”
Me: “Who won?”
Brooke: “I think Mitt Romney.”
Me: “Well, Barack Obama won the real election.”
Brooke, dejected: “Oh. I wanted Mitt Romney to win. They showed us a picture. He looked nicer than Barack Obama.”
Caroline has also been making me smile lately. She has taken to saying, “Play with your own species!” I’m not quite sure how this originated, but I think she heard it on a TV show.
When she says “species,” it sounds like “speezees.”
So, for example, when Brooke or Spencer are bothering her, she’ll yell, “Go away! Play with your own speezees!”
See? Impossible not to smile at that.