Glen vs. The Deer
A little background about this video so you understand where it’s coming from.
Contributing Factor #1
Part of my job at work is being a member of the safety committee. We meet once a month to discuss how safety is going around the plant and try to implement new ideas to encourage employees to remain safe.
Every six months we have a safety week where we give presentations each day to encourage and re-emphasize our safety plan. As part of my presentation I created a talking head video of Glen. I decided not to use the video because I didn’t feel it looked great and I felt I could do better. I made a passing comment about the video during my presentation and the employees took great interest in seeing it. Glen was even interested in seeing the video. I told them I would make a better one and show that to them. Time passed and I never completed the new video. About three months ago one of our safety committee members suggested that we have giveaways to people we observe being good at safety. He was wanting to give them things such as crock pots (he was newly married and wanting to get rid of some of the extra wedding gifts he received). I countered that with giving out a first aid kit. The company had decided to start selling first aid kits and after the initial sales push, we haven’t sold a single one since and we need to get rid of them so I don’t have to keep counting them every month as part of inventory (so I have a somewhat selfish reason for wanting to give those away). Anyway, when we started debating who would receive the first award, someone suggested Glen receive the reward because he is always remembering his safety equipment when he visits the plant. I volunteered to give out the reward because I still had to show that promised video and I had this in my mind as something funny I could show. So one evening I spent some time alienating my family to make this.
Contributing Factor #2
If you are new to our blog, don’t follow us religiously, or don’t know Glen, then you wouldn’t understand that Glen has established himself with a deer/cow striking average that a bowler would kill for as demonstrated with these blog posts here and here. So it stands to reason that the best subject to spoof Glen on would be his vehicular cow slaughter. The video was a hit. I’m sure it will be for you as well.
Thus, short blog post made long through somewhat unnecessary background explanations: our video for today.
September 2, 2013 @ 2:53 pm
I loved his screaming face right before he hits the deer. Good one, Dallas!