Growing Up So Fast
Brooke has enjoyed peeling the eggs that we hard-boiled and dyed for Easter. She also gets a little bowl and mashes the egg up and then offers it to me or Dallas.
One day I declined the egg. Brooke took it back to the kitchen and was busy for a long time. I was happy to have a few moments to myself so I didn’t bother her.
When I finally went into the kitchen to see what she was up to, I saw she had crumbled the egg into a million little pieces. She had sprinkled these pieces all over the kitchen floor. She was “feeding the birds”. It’s funny that she has somehow picked up on the fact that birds eat small, round things that are scattered about…and yet, she hasn’t picked up on the fact that THERE ARE NO BIRDS IN OUR HOUSE.
In other news, Caroline, our nine-month old baby, can finally roll over! And she can crawl! And today she even pulled herself up to standing! It was a big week as far as developmental milestones are concerned.
Caroline’s also been working hard on growing some hair. One day I decided it was time to put a bow in it.
She looks so cute before her nap.
But after her nap, she looked like this…
…and she was chewing on the rubber band that I had used to secure her hair. Yikes! No more hair accessories for her at nap time.
April 17, 2010 @ 12:53 am
I think the crawling and rolling over announcement should have included a video. I’m happy Caroline is finally hitting her developmental milestones.
April 17, 2010 @ 11:07 am
Nice job on the milestones. I agree with Sarah, a video would have been appropriate.
April 17, 2010 @ 3:02 pm
You neglected to report on the part where Caroline can now sit herself up in bed when she’s supposed to be going to sleep–and she learned that trick just in time for Grandma to start tending her this week.