How Long Can I Call Her Baby?
My little Miss Madison. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love watching you experience new things:
I love your silly faces:
I love your happy smiles:
I love cuddling you:
I love watching your siblings adore you:
I love your pigtails:
I love when the big kids try to barricade you in a corner so you won’t get their things:
Or when they banish you to the laundry basket, again, so you won’t get their things:
Or when they put you in a container. (Seriously! Stop getting into their things!)
And while we’re at it, stop getting into my things! You are a little Tasmanian devil wreaking havoc on EVERYTHING in your path.
Like, the pots:
And the trash:
And this cupboard:
And you love to dump your unwanted food on the ground:
Did you notice you were wearing the same thing in the last four pictures? Because you made all those messes on the same day in practically the same hour which makes living with you and trying to keep the house in some type of order frustratingly, annoyingly impossible.
You’ll make messes of anything, really.
Did I mention you also pull out the lid drawer, get your body stuck underneath it, and then lie paralyzed on the floor trying to figure out how to get out of the predicament you now find yourself in?
(And then, once rescued, you’ll empty that drawer of all its lids, of course, because I needed another one of your messes to clean up.)
Or how about that one time you killed our fake plant?
I had forgotten how exhausting it is to live with a one-year-old. A one-year-old! You’re one! You turned one at the end of February. Your dad made you a cake and you loved it:
You’re starting to walk more and more. You love dogs and books and bananas and slides, but your number one love is “Da!”
You crawl through the house pointing to every picture we have of him and shouting, “Da!” When he comes home from work, you’re all smiles. This wouldn’t be so bad if you ever occasionally, even ACCIDENTALLY said “Ma!” but no, that simple syllable rarely comes out of your little body.
“Da” did a photo shoot of you in honor of your first birthday and the pictures he got were adorable.
I love you my little baby girl.
April 11, 2015 @ 7:37 am
Nice post Rebecca. I am amazed at how quickly she is growing up. Cherish every little mess and smile.
April 11, 2015 @ 11:15 am
Love this post so much. Love this baby so much. She is such an angel baby, despite all the messes she makes. Laughed at the siblings putting her in baskets or containers or corners to contain her. Love how each person in the family adores and shows love to this baby–especially enjoyed Spencer sitting by her crib reading books to her. Dallas’s photo shoot of her turned out so great. I have experienced her joy of “Da” and love the picture of the two of them together. This post really touched my heart. Well done, Rebecca!
April 11, 2015 @ 3:04 pm
oh this is soooooooo precious!!! She is a doll. And reading about her antics is crackin’ me up. Seems like she would get along with my Hannah 🙂
April 11, 2015 @ 8:46 pm
Ha. I didn’t realize she was such a wrecking ball! My favorite was the tupperware drawer predicament. Ha! I perfectly imagined her “paralyzed” under the drawer and laughed out loud.
Loved this post. It was super sweet. Madison is a doll face!