Paci Update
Things are going far better in the paci department than I dared hope they would. Brooke is taking this pretty well. There have been a few nights where it’s taken her close to an hour to fall asleep, but she hasn’t been hysterically crying; she mostly just whimpers and hollers at us.
Now when I give Brooke her paci she looks at it, sees if the end is snipped, and since it is, she says, “Ew!” Once she even handed back the paci when I gave it to her. I guess soon we’ll see if she wants to throw them away and we’ll be rid of them once and for all.
December 19, 2008 @ 11:38 am
You are so brave! How funny that she is losing interest now that her paci is “broken.” I have a feeling it won’t be so easy when we take Blake’s binki away.
December 19, 2008 @ 12:50 pm
Thanks for the paci update, I’ve been wondering how she has adjusted to not having it anymore. I guess there is an upside to Ethan never taking a binki even though we tried about ten different kinds. Brooke sure is a cutie.
December 20, 2008 @ 11:29 pm
I have been M.I.A. in the commenting department for the past couple of months! I know you have missed me 🙂 I have to dang many cousins and i get overwhelmed…but I have seen each of your wonderful posts…I subscribe to you on google reader, you know! And I am always happy to see more of you and that cute Brooke. I think she and my Rebecca would have a fun time playing together one of these days…
VERY BRAVE to get rid of the binkie! It’s so nice having that one thing which will always calm them down….Rebecca replaced her bink with animals. You know that white bear Brooke is holding? Rebecca has that one too! I think we got it from JUDY at our double shower. Cool. Well, that bear is the one she sleeps with it and she only gets it at night. It kind of replaced her bink.
well, good luck! WE are having such bad sleeping issues with Rebecca right now, ever since we got back from Germany. I am so frustrated, I think i might re-introduce the bink! hehehe