Rhyme Time
I’ve been trying to teach Brooke about rhyming words. This has proved a hard concept to grasp. She fixates on the beginning sounds of the words and fails to notice the similarity between the ending sounds. Example:
Me: “Cat, hat. They rhyme. Cat, hat.”
Brooke: “Cat, cake. They rhyme.”
Me: “No, they have the same beginning sound, but rhyming words have the same ending sound.”
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Then, the other day, we were reading a book. The character’s name was Coop. Brooke stopped me midsentence and said, “Mom! That rhymes! Coop, POOP!”
Did I learn nothing as a first grade teacher? I should have known the key to understanding would be relating the lesson to bodily functions.
August 24, 2011 @ 11:00 am
ha! So true 🙂