She’s Had a Birthday, Shout Hooray!
I better finish documenting Caroline’s birthday. She turned two! However, when asked how old she is, she responds, “Be three!” She’s just excited to grow up, I guess.
Caroline helped me make her cake by licking the beaters:
Here’s her Piggie and Gerald cake:
Have you heard of Piggie and Gerald? Allow me to introduce you. They are characters from books written by Mo Willems. We highly recommend the books. Brooke and Caroline love them. In fact, one of the books has already had its fifteen minutes of fame right here on our blog. Remember this post?
Another book spent some time cuddled up next to Caroline while she slept:
In short, go check these books out from the library, now! (That means you, Sarah…)
Back to our birthday celebration. We went up to my parents’ house for Caroline’s birthday dinner. Even though he’s now bald, Spencer was still adored by all:
I love this next picture. It’s my Dad holding Spencer. My Dad was getting Spencer to smile and giggle, and it was so cute so I captured the moment. This picture can also serve as a cautionary tale. If you skimp on your baby’s tummy time, he/she may develop a head as flat as my Dad’s. I’m amused by the fact that the back of his head perfectly matches the line of the fridge meeting the cupboards. Do you think they make head-reshaping helmets in my Dad’s size? Christmas present idea!
We sat my sister’s baby next to Spencer for a size comparison (four months vs. one year). Eli was fascinated with Spencer’s ear.
My Dad took a series of photos of Caroline opening her presents. Someone remind me to introduce my Dad to the zoom feature on our camera:
On second thought, maybe we don’t want close-ups if Caroline’s going to be picking her nose in every shot!
Caroline was thrilled with her new bike!
Good manners get thrown out the window when cake is involved!
Happy birthday, my sweet girl!
July 14, 2011 @ 4:53 pm
Great post Rebecca! I loved the picture of Glen and Spencer. Glen I never realized your head was so flat. If we get you a helmet we’ll be sure to put a Y on it! I think I need to check out those books, I’ve never heard of them but great replica on the cake! And happy late birthday Caroline!
July 14, 2011 @ 5:32 pm
I missed Caroline diving head first into her cake. I loved having an excuse to get together! I also love that you pointed out the fridge line matching up to dad’s flat head. It makes Spencer’s head look REALLY round.
Cute cake, cute birthday girl and cute family!
July 15, 2011 @ 10:27 am
Even though this was a happy birthday to Caroline post, somehow I felt like it was a pick on Glen post as well. Poor man can’t help the shape of his head. I did notice the fridge line even before reading about you pointing that out. Good thing the man is brilliant and his brains didn’t seem to be affected by the shape of his head.
I love how you put up big numbers all around the house of the age of the birthday child. Cute idea, Mrs. Schoolteacher! And I laughed about the reminder of the “locked in the bathroom” blog entry. Hard to believe that sweet, little, beater-licking, cake-eating, bike-riding, pacifier-sucking, sleeping-soundly birthday girl could have caused you such drama from the turning of the lock on your bathroom door.
July 16, 2011 @ 1:59 am
What a great cake! 🙂
July 17, 2011 @ 6:11 pm
Well let me at least say, I am proud of my flat head. It has been with me all my life but why is it that my children are the first ones to really pick on me about it? Maybe I just never noticed anyone else making light of my head… Or maybe most kids of my generation had flat heads. I think that was at a time when the prevailing winds were, putting babies on their tummies will cause them to have SIDS.
In any event, I even got a good laugh out of it. Thanks.