Beach Day
Our next day of vacation started with a delicious French toast breakfast courtesy of my dad:
The little boys busied themselves by playing with all the cars and trucks that Sarah brought:
We decided to have a beach day so we all headed off to Newport beach.
Me: “Did we get everything?”
Dallas (looking at our overcrowded stroller): “Um, yeah. I think we got more than everything.”
All the grandkids in one picture (plus Abe and Sarah):
The beach was so fun. The weather was perfect. The kids loved wading in the water and playing in the sand:
My parents playing smash ball:
Caroline was a little nervous about the water and Spencer was a little nervous to go out alone, so he’d run up to her, grab her hand, and together they would brave the salty blue:
Brooke made some new friends:
Not pictured is the older man who sat by himself building a sand castle that Brooke also befriended (and even whispered secrets to before the afternoon had ended).
Newland was in heaven:
Abe and Ben tried out some boogie boards:
Dallas also had a turn:
Please admire our farmer’s tans:
Group shots:
Dallas drew a crowd by saying he had found bugs in the sand. We all ran over to see. He would scoop up handfuls of sand, let water run over it, and these little critters would run all around burrowing in the sand. It was disgusting. Then Dallas said, “You can feel them tickle your feet when you’re standing on the sand.” Turns out I was standing right on a pile of them, and he was right. I could feel them scurrying all around. Eww! We were all a little scarred by the discovery of these ocean friends.
I took video of everyone freaking out about the bugs. If you look closely you can see the shiny little creatures running back into the sand. (Make the video full screen to see better.) Does anyone know what these things are? I tried to google it and couldn’t find anything that looked right.
Everyone else left, but we were still having such a fun time that we stayed and played nearly the whole day. We finally decided to leave because we feared bad sunburns if we stayed any longer.
We came back to the house and had showers. Everyone except Sarah’s family had already headed to Disneyland for the rest of the day. Sarah’s family and I stayed at the house and ate, cleaned, and chatted while the kids played.
This next picture documents the beginning of our cheese ball crisis. My Dad bought that huge container of cheese balls and the kids (with the help of the adults) had no trouble finishing it off in no time. We may or may not have gone straight to the store to get two more containers to last the rest of the week.
One of our best ideas this trip was to bring our crockpots. Theoretically, my mom, sister, and I would each take a day and crockpot a meal. That way, in the evening when we were done with our fun, we could come home to a nice meal that didn’t cost a fortune. In reality, my mom and Sarah were the ones who did most of the cooking since I ended up staying out late almost every night playing. Way to go Sarah and my Mom (and Dad)! We really loved coming home to delicious dinners!
This evening we had Sarah’s barbecue chicken salad:
The kids were playing so well together we hesitated to check on them and ruin the magic:
My girls were dying for another swim day so we fired up the hot tub that evening:
And this marks the end of our relaxing vacation days…
September 26, 2013 @ 7:31 pm
Look at me smash that ball. Great action shot! So glad you captured Dallas with the loaded down stroller and his comment. Love hearing all the reaction of everyone looking at Dallas’s handful of moving sand. And yes, it was nice for all of us to come home to the dinners Sarah had fixed for us. Hurrah for Sarah!!!
September 26, 2013 @ 7:33 pm
P.S. The three bathing beauties are adorable. The picture of Brooke with the empty cheese balls container is so funny remembering back on how much everybody loved to eat those things.
September 27, 2013 @ 1:07 pm
These posts are great! It looks like you had so much fun with your family! I’m glad to see your ruffle curtains came through for you. I can’t wait till the next installment! I’ve found similar creatures at our beach, and I don’t know what they are… other than gross. I’ve heard if you fall asleep on the sand they’ll crawl in your ears. 😉
September 28, 2013 @ 12:13 pm
I LOVE all the pictures of Brooke in her swimming garb. You guys got so many great pictures!
I laughed out loud when you reminded me of “The Cheeseball Crisis.” Ha. What a crisis it was! I think more tears were shed over the words, “We’re out of cheese balls” than anything else the whole trip!