Yikes! How did Abe get another picture of the week so soon? I’m going to have to talk to Dallas about this.
Brooke loves knocking down blocks. Loves it. Anytime she sees anything that is stacked, she has to kick her feet and flail her hands until the offending tower is reduced to rubble.
Brooke hates using her body to travel a distance. She can’t crawl and she only rolls over when her life depends on it (which, according to her, is when we put her on her stomach).
Consequently, Brooke is happy when she is sitting upright, preferably next to a pile of blocks that moments ago were stacked but are now efficiently leveled.
What happens when this equilibrium is disturbed? Crawl lessons.
As new parents, Dallas and I are excited for each new milestone to be reached. We can’t wait for Brooke to learn how to crawl! Dallas has decided it is time for him to teach her how. This involves building enticing, TALL formations with Brooke’s toys just out of her reach. You can almost see the wheels turning in Brooke’s head. “I need to knock that down. But I’m over here and it’s over there. How can I solve this problem?”

Brooke then leans on her two hands, gets up on one knee and stretches as far as she can. Shucks. Dallas is good. The tower is still out of reach. She tries again. Again, the tower is too far away! She keeps trying until her face is bright red, she is grunting and screaming, and she is reaching as far as her little hand will allow (without moving those knees one millimeter). About this time she inevitably falls on her tummy, smashes her face into the carpet and shrieks until we rescue her or she miraculously rolls over.
So far crawl lessons have not been very successful at helping Brooke crawl. But she does in the end somehow manage to gain distance and knock over the blocks. I’m still not sure how this happens.
I guess I should just be happy that I still don’t have to baby proof the house.
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