First things first – when I wrote the beach post we apparently hadn’t downloaded all of our pictures, and I missed including these two:
They were too cute not to post, correct?
Now, onto our new items of business. After vacationing for five days we finally went to Disneyland! The kids were super excited.
You know, before we left for Disneyland I read a lot of guides by people who live and breathe all things Disney so I could learn tips and tricks. Not a single guide recommended that you get matching t-shirts for everyone in the group. I know. I was shocked, too. After spending four days in Disneyland (and each day wearing a matching shirt!) I can say with complete confidence that neglecting this bit of advice is a serious oversight that I cannot allow.
There were so many benefits to the matching shirts.
#1 – Matching shirts automatically make every family picture cuter (even when not a single child is looking at the camera!).
#2 – You can keep track of your kids so much easier. Really, it’s amazing how much easier it was to find kids wearing bright salmon-colored shirts. Plus, if a child started wandering away, other people knew they belonged to you and would help steer the kid back in the right direction.
#3 – Say you all want to get on the tram. Other people know you’re part of a group, and they kindly try to make room to help everyone fit.
#4 – Along those same lines, say you’re waiting in line to get into the park (or a ride). Sometimes random people would find themselves in line right in the middle of us all and we would let them ahead of us or they would automatically slide over and let our stragglers join us. Very nice of them.
#5 – Ride attendants could easily see we were a group and could plan the seating assignments accordingly.
#6 – Now we have a fun souvenir of our vacation!
Really, the only drawback is matching shirts are kind of inherently dorky so just get over caring about that and you’ll be fine. Oh, and people make comments, but that just adds to the fun. Try it out on your next Disney trip. There’s (probably) no way you’ll regret it!
We actually went to California Adventure this day. We waited in line to get into the park:
Then we did more waiting once we were inside because the rides hadn’t quite opened yet:
Good time to get a picture with Walt and Mickey:
And by the fake road:
Our first ride was the Monsters, Inc. ride:
Dallas was pretty excited:
This ride was a favorite, and we rode it several times while we were there.
Then Dallas took the girls on the Tower of Terror while I rode baby rides with Spencer:
Did you catch what I just said? Dallas took the girls on Tower of Terror. Girls, plural, which includes Caroline. That ride was way scarier than I remember it being and I couldn’t believe I allowed my little Caroline to ride it!
We loved Cars Land:
We spent a lot of time trying to earn our Wilderness Explorer badges. We found Doug:
We went to a ceremony where the kids got their badges. Here they are participating in the ceremony:
Later, when we got bored in line the girls would often resort to doing their little wilderness explorer routine which I thought was adorable.
Russell was there to give out the awards:
The Little Mermaid ride was a family favorite. We probably rode this thing at least a dozen times during our trip:
So much to look at:
We met Woody and he was so cute with the kids:
A Disney miracle! Spencer fell asleep!
We noticed the walkways were getting sectioned off so we asked a cast member what was going on.
Cast Member: “We’re getting ready for the Pixar Parade.”
Dallas: “What’s that?”
Cast Member (likely wondering how to state the obvious without making us feel dumb): “Well, um…it’s a parade…with…um…Pixar characters.”
Is that funny? Maybe you had to be there.
Since we were there we stayed there and watched the parade. We loved it.
It started getting a little chilly. Dallas suggested that we go to the indoor Aladdin show. It was advertised as “A Musical Spectacular.” I thought it would be a little twenty minute thing where the characters would sing the Aladdin songs. It ended up being almost an hour-long performance of an abbreviated version of Aladdin. Had we known it was going to be an hour we probably wouldn’t have done it because I wouldn’t have thought the kids would sit that long. Luckily, we didn’t know and it ended up being one of our favorite things that we did. The show was so fun. The scenery and props were amazing. The kids giggled throughout the entire thing and thought the genie was so funny. They laughed about things he said for the rest of the trip.
Really, if you’re going to Disney, see this show (in your matching t-shirts, of course).
After the Aladdin show it was really getting chilly and the park was close to closing, so we decided to go back to Belle’s Castle and rest up in anticipation for our next day of fun.
September 30, 2013 @ 7:16 am
I LOVED the beach picture additions.
Spencer looks so excited in the picture before it opens. I love it.
Does Brooke think cars are of the devil? Looks like she is trying to add an extra 6 to Route 66…
Just remember the only dumb question is the one not asked…err…okay, maybe there are dumb questions.
September 30, 2013 @ 2:47 pm
I agree that the beach picture additions were worth adding to this post. Caroline is so happy to be in the water–as long as her face is far above the surface of the water. Her swimming lessons exclamation “I don’t want to go underground!” keeps ringing in my ears when I see her near water.
I love the commentary on the benefits of wearing matching t-shirts. It was awesome. I can’t get enough of the matching t-shirt pictures and how cute they are. I was mistaken when I said you posted a dorky picture of me on the tram. It was Sarah who put up the talking me picture. I thought yours was a good one.
So glad you suggested we all go see the Aladdin show. We really enjoyed it.
All your family shots are so cute. But just wondering if it was Caroline or Spencer taking the picture of you, Dallas and Brooke with Donald Duck?
September 30, 2013 @ 4:19 pm
Yes, my tram picture of you was quite cute. As for the Donald Duck picture, Spencer was asleep in the stroller and Caroline was too tired to get out of the stroller herself which is why neither are pictured.