The Kids Said…
The peril of having two girls and then a boy is that sometimes things like this happen.
Me (while holding Spencer): “I love my little girl!”
Spencer (indignantly): “Hey! I’m not a girl!”
I was at my parents’ house and needed my mom so I yelled, “Mother?”
Spencer said, “Daughter?”
(This made me laugh because that’s always my mom’s response when I call for her. Amazing the things these little kids pick up on.)
Spencer was being especially annoying at church trying to escape our pew. When he realized he couldn’t just barrel his way past us he decided to try smooth-talking.
Spencer: “I have to leave now. Be right back.”
Spencer ate something spicy at dinner.
Spencer (in between gulps of water): “Mom! Mom! My mouth is biting me!”
Spencer has taken a liking to describing things by color. For example, “I see a red tractor.” “I have my blue spoon.” “I want a green cup.” This has the potential to be pretty cute but he is never, ever accurate with his color descriptions.
Until one day.
Spencer: “Mom! I have a yellow car!”
Me: “YES! YES! That IS a yellow car! You said the right color!”
Spencer (beaming): “Yes! See! It’s my green car!”
We borrowed my parents’ car while our van was in the shop. Caroline was thrilled to discover she could open the car door by herself. She opened the door every chance she could including one time when I was driving on the freeway.
Me: “Aaaaahhhhh! Caroline! Close the door! Why did you open your door?!”
Caroline (innocently): “I just wanted to feel the wind.”
We took the kids roller skating. Dallas went around the rink a couple of times with Brooke. Then he dropped her off with me and took Caroline. Brooke, obviously realizing roller skating was harder than she was anticipating said, “Mom! It was too hard! Dad took me out there without even giving me any training!”
Brooke: “I thought they were big puddles, but it’s not.”
Caroline (incredulously): “Big puddles of SNOT?!”
June 27, 2013 @ 6:24 pm
I loved Spencer’s mouth biting him. I can’t wait for Carson to start talking because I love finally getting to hear all the things they’ve had bottled up in their brains for two years. So cute.
June 30, 2013 @ 5:45 pm
Ha ha! So cute!
I also love the lake picture!! It’s beautiful!
July 1, 2013 @ 5:33 pm
Kid sayings are the best! Keep them coming. Glad Caroline was buckled in a car seat when she decided she wanted to feel the wind on the freeway.