I’m back for another rousing round of potpourri.
Here we have Spencer playing with a princess castle:
Here we have a grumpy Caroline who didn’t want to go to bed:
Spencer thinks this rug is his parking lot. Could there be a worse place for lawn mowers and strollers to constantly be than right in front of the kitchen sink and oven? The answer is no.
The preciousness of a sleeping baby:
The silliness of a girl with a pot on her head:
Brooke being creative on her school paper yet again:
We visited Temple Square with some friends:
We had a lovely Thanksgiving with Dallas’s family:
We had our first snow day. The girls experienced the joy of playing in the snow. I experienced the joy of having a fenced backyard meaning I didn’t have to go out with them:
I had to smile a few days later when the snow melted and I saw the remains of the snowmen they built:
I also had to smile at this:
That’s our backyard! It almost looks like it has grass! We got some rain for several days and then the snow, and when the snow melted our yard was green. It gives me hope that next year we may actually be able to grow grass. Hallelujah!
(Just a reminder of what the yard looked like before:)
The girls posed with their bears:
And of course Brooke insisted that I take a picture of my fourth child:
December 22, 2012 @ 11:03 pm
Wait. Who’s your third child? 🙂
December 23, 2012 @ 9:29 am
Love the parking lot location, love the pot on Brooke’s head picture, LOVE how you captured the essence of the personality of your fourth child.
December 23, 2012 @ 9:39 am
Sarah – When I wrote that I counted my kids about ten times just to make sure I wasn’t leaving anyone out.
December 24, 2012 @ 5:14 am
I heart Brooke’s name.