It’s Vacation Time!
Or rather, it was vacation time last week so now I will subject you to the billions of pictures we took.
Two years ago we went with my parents, siblings, and their families to Disneyland. We had such a great time and couldn’t stop thinking about our week of fun so shortly after that trip we agreed we needed to do it all over again. We’ve been planning this trip for ages. I would put Caroline to bed every night and she’d say something like, “Is it time for our trip yet?” and I’d say, “First you need to start kindergarten, then finish kindergarten, then have the summer, then start first grade. THEN we can go.”
We thought the time would never come, but it finally did and we were ready!
Brooke, the morning that we were leaving:
Me: “Are you excited for our trip?”
Brooke: “I can’t be too excited yet because I still have to get through school.”
Fair enough.
Our countdown reminder:
Brooke prepared a sticky note to put on our door so friends wouldn’t have to knock and knock with no one home:
(In the interest of not advertising our absence to everyone, we decided not to put the sign on our door.)
Spencer packed his essentials:
Then we just had to wait for Dallas to get home from work. In a perfect world he would have finished work at his normal time of 2:30 and been home before 3:00 giving us a departure time of between 3 and 4:00. Unfortunately he didn’t get off work until about 5:30. Grrr. The kids and I were bored out of our minds waiting for him to come.
Finally, he made it home. We packed the kids in the car and left:
We were passing Provo at dinnertime so we decided to stop at a Wendy’s near Dallas’s mom’s house. Dallas called her up and invited her to dine with us, which she did:
The girls were freezing so they enjoyed getting Oma’s warm hugs, and we enjoyed chatting.
Just as we said good-bye to the piggie hat, Caroline found a replacement headpiece:
We stopped for the night at a hotel in St. George. The kids have never stayed in a hotel that they can remember so it was a new experience for them. Madison’s favorite part of our vacation may have been the never ending supply of tissues within her reach which she certainly took advantage of:
The next day we took a quick detour by the St. George temple to have a look:
We made another stop in Las Vegas to visit Dallas’s grandma:
We had been planning to stay the night with Grandma Golden, but a few days before our trip she fell and broke her hip and was in a care facility to get better. Sad! We were happy to see her and visit for a bit.
After that we finally made it to Belle’s Castle! Spencer busied himself playing with the car toys that my sister brought:
Everyone else hopped in the pool for a quick swim before bed:
The next day was our designated beach day. We stuck with tradition and graciously allowed my dad to cook breakfast for us everyday. French toast for the win!
We also took our traditional matching T-shirt picture next to the mural in the house’s foyer. Somehow we added a few extra kids to our family shot:
That’s more like it:
Then it was beach time!
We came home and Spencer resumed his activity of choice:
And the kids:
We ended the evening with a movie for the kids:
October 1, 2015 @ 8:25 pm
Well now I can see what took you so long to arrive in California. But the wait was worth it, wasn’t it? Great beach shots!!! It is so much fun re-living the trip through another person’s eyes.
Cute photo of you and Dallas on the beach and Ben and Haley in the water.
Love the sticky note Brooke prepared to hang on your door during your absence.
October 2, 2015 @ 8:54 pm
Your beach pictures! They perfectly captured the day. I feel like I had no time to snap any pictures at the beach because I was a little preoccupied chasing down a wandering child. Glad you guys got so many great ones! I love the one of Brooke kneeling down and holding some sort of sea creature/plant. And the close-ups of Madison! And then Caroline laying on her belly! And Spencer and Dallas sitting on the shore! The great shots didn’t stop! Until they did and then I was mad and wanted even more.